NPK BOOSTER 12-6-22-3+TE

Compound NPK fertilizer containing 12-6-22-3+TE is able to stimulate flowering and fruiting of plants so that fruit weight and crop yields increase.


Compound NPK fertilizer produced using Compaction Compound technology with 15+15+15+TE content for higher quality plant growth and yields

NPK GOLD 16-10-18

Compound NPK fertilizer is produced using Ferticoat Technology to increase the availability of N, P & K nutrients, as well as improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Suitable for application to all types of plants and is able to stimulate plant vegetative growth.

Our Products

Specialty fertilizers are powder and liquid products, containing raw materials with both nutritional and biostimulant actions, able to positively influence plants’ biochemistry and physiology. Such formulations are suitable for a sustainable, innovative and productive agriculture.

NPK 16-16-16+TE

Compound NPK fertilizer produced using Compaction Compound technology is in the form of green granules. With a content of N 16%, P2O5 16%, K20 16%, MgO 2%, Zn 1%, B 0.5% and Advanced with Sulfate Base it can increase plant growth and productivity.

NPK COCKHEAD 12-12-17-2+TE

Fertilizer specifically formulated for rice and corn plants. Contains 12-12-17-2+TE to accelerate plant vegetative growth, and contains magnesium, boron & calcium, for healthier shoot growth, greener flag leaf color and strong plant stems and roots. So that it forms high quality and brightly colored corn cobs and rice grains. For maximum yields of rice and corn.


Fertilizer specifically formulated for rice and corn plants. Contains 13-8-27-4+TE to accelerate plant generative growth, and contains magnesium, boron & calcium, for healthier shoot growth, greener flag leaf color and strong plant stems and roots. So that it forms high quality and brightly colored corn cobs and rice grains. For maximum yields of rice and corn.


NK COCKHEAD 9-34 fertilizer is in the form of reddish brown granules containing the nutrients N 9%, K2O 34%. Able to increase the formation of fruit, tubers and rice grains. Plants become healthier, stronger, yields and crop quality increase.


Fertilizer specifically formulated for rice and corn plants. Contains 12-12-17-2+TE to accelerate plant vegetative growth, and contains magnesium, boron & calcium, for healthier shoot growth, greener flag leaf color and strong plant stems and roots. So that it forms high quality and brightly colored corn cobs and rice grains. For maximum yields of rice and corn.


KCL Single Fertilizer in the form of red crystal granules containing the nutrient 60% potassium, so it is able to optimize plant production, increase yields and harvest quality and plants are more tolerant of pest attacks, disease and water shortages.


DAP Single Fertilizer in the form of light brown and black granules containing the nutrients 18% Nitrogen and 46% Phosphate, is able to stimulate root growth, flower formation and improve fruit quality so that harvest results are more optimal


Nitrogen Single Fertilizer is in the form of white granules containing 26% Nitrogen nutrients. Able to stimulate and accelerate plant vegetative growth, increase fruit size and resistance to pests & diseases..


TSP fertilizer, which is in the form of black granules containing 45% phosphate nutrients, is able to stimulate the vegetative and generative formation of plants and make plant growth more uniform.


DAPS fertilizer is equipped with the nutrients N 12%, P205 20% and S 12%. Able to accelerate fruit formation and ripening as well as increase plant vigor and fruit quality (color, aroma and taste)


Magnesium Sulfur Phosphate Fertilizer is in the form of gray granules containing the nutrients P2O5 18%, MgO 9%, S 3%, CaO 15%, and B 0.5%. Able to trigger the formation of ZPT, accelerate fruit ripening and increase plant production and fruit quality.


NP fertilizer is equipped with the nutrients N 20%, P205 10%, Zn 1% and B 0.5%. Able to accelerate vegetative and generative growth of plants and increase plant strength against pest & disease attacks.


Foliar fertilizer in the form of white crystalline granules containing the nutrients 13% Nitrogen and 46% Potassium which are easily soluble in water. Able to accelerate flowering and fruiting and increase fruit shelf life


Foliar fertilizer in the form of white crystalline granules containing the nutrients 50% Phosphate and 35% Potassium which are easily soluble in water. Able to increase fruit and tuber formation for more optimal yields and harvest quality.


Foliar fertilizer in the form of white prill granules containing the nutrients 13% Nitrogen and 45% Potassium which are easily soluble in water. Able to stimulate flowering and fruiting of plants, as well as increase the quality and weight of fruit.

CROPFAST 16-16-16+TE

Leaf fertilizer in the form of green powder contains the nutrients N 16%, P2O5 16%, K2O 16%, MgO, CaO, Zn and B. Able to accelerate the vegetative growth of plants (accelerate the growth of shoots and saplings) and the formation of flowers.

CROPFAST 13-26-26+TE

Leaf Fertilizer in the form of light blue powder contains the nutrients N 13%, P2O5 26%, K2O 26%, MgO, CaO, Zn and B. Contains high levels of Phosphorus and Potassium, so it can accelerate the formation of flowers and fruit and increase the weight of tubers and spikelets. paddy.

CROPFAST 21-21-21+TE

Leaf Fertilizer in the form of blue powder contains the nutrients N 21%, P2O5 21%, K2O 21%, ZnO 2% MgO, CaO, and B. Able to stimulate the growth of roots, stems and leaves, as well as the formation of flowers and prevent flowers from falling off.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. With the content 12-12-17, it can be used for the seedling phase and immature plants (TBM). This fertilizer can also be used on mature crops (TM) for plantations that have low N and P status with the addition of K nutrients according to recommendations. This fertilizer is also more suitable for use in the lowlands.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. With a 15-15-15 content, this formulation is more suitable for use on marginal mineral lands which generally have low P and K contents.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. With a content of 13-6-27, this formulation is more suitable for use on marginal mineral lands which generally have low P and K contents.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. Containing 12-6-22, it provides various nutrients that are in accordance with the average nutrient balance for palm oil.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. With a content of 13-8-27, this formulation is more suitable for use on marginal mineral lands which generally have low P and K contents. It is very suitable to be applied to producing crops (TM) because it has a high K nutrient content.


Fertilizer specially formulated for oil palm plants. With the 15-15-6 content, it is able to optimize seed growth and oil palm plant productivity.


Feed Grade Urea is a non-protein nitrogen (NPN) source for ruminants. Microbes in the rumen metabolize NPN compounds to produce ammonia and use this ammonia for microbial protein synthesis, that will be available for absorption through the gastrointestinal tract.

Feed Grade Urea has a typical value of 287.5 % equivalent crude protein for ruminants


Lowers soil pH for acid loving plants like azaleas, camellias, gardenias, hemlock, holly, cedar, blueberry, rhododendron, dogwood...turns hydrangeas blue. Includes easy to follow chart. Works in all soil types.